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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

man masturbation

How much do you want to know about masturbation and its side effects? What else can it do to us? Playing with ourselves can help us fall asleep, reduces headaches and stress, anxiety and tension, it’s great for immune functioning, increasing endorphin production, and is so good for our prostates.

Will masturbating cause acne? If it did, 95% of guys would be walking around with a face full of Sh%!. It’s true that having consecutive ejaculations will reduce your sperm count and the volume of semen compared to the first ejaculation, but your testes are a sperm factory and masturbation isn’t going to close this factory down. Another myth I’ve heard does masturbation cause hairy palms? I don’t even comprehend this one; if that were the case why have the expensive hair transplants, when you could rub the sperm over your balding
Masturbation is harmless and have no proven long-term physical issues with moderate masturbation habits. However if you’re a chronic masturbator you could have some problems.

One side effect of masturbation, done a few times before a date and you’re lucky to proceed to have sex, you’ll probably find it harder reaching climax. Gove the penis a day or two to recharge should do the trick. Masturbating can sometimes create an individual orgasm effect where we train our bodies to respond to our own familiar touch and have a reduced response to other people’s touch, resulting in a tougher time reaching climax with others. A lot of guys can relate to this.
Biologically, chronic masturbating can damage the mind and body chemistry because it can overproduce sex hormones and neurotransmitters. This overproduction impacts varies per person ranging from fatigue, pelvic pain, vision changes, lower back pain, and testicular pain. However, we have to be careful of the conclusions we extrapolate from research.
Compulsive masturbation can also negatively affect a person. Compulsive masturbating meaning, There’s no set number of times; it’s associated with a person experiencing difficulties in his life resulting from his masturbation habits. One guy masturbates six times a day and feels productive and great while the other feels the exact opposite. Compulsive masturbation can negatively affect your work, relationships, self-esteem, finances, social support, and have legal problems if you’re not able to find a balance between being responsible in life and satisfying your pleasures and desires.

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